What on earth are we doing? Many times, it can seem like a church meets only to perpetuate itself. Like, it meets this Sunday so it can meet next Sunday, so it can meet the next. But Jesus has called us to be salt and light in the community, and that is what we are driven to do. In many churches, most of the work is done by a very small handful of people. At The Worship Center, more than 80% of our people are involved in outreach, teaching, serving and volunteering.
Here are some examples of our current services and outreaches to the community. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said that one of the results of the Holy Spirit coming upon His people is that we would be witnesses for Jesus at home, in the local community and internationally. And that is exactly what the Holy Spirit is doing through His people here at the Worship Center. Locally, we have a Food Pantry each week, where people in western Charles County can come for free meats, sandwiches, pastries, dairy products and whatever else we can procure for them. We thank the local stores, businesses and individuals and volunteers who make this happen!
We believe in being involved with the community and with other community groups, to be able to help as many people as possible. We encourage our people to serve in other civic organizations and non-profits, for personal growth as well as for making an impact in the lives of other people and those in need. Our members are involved with United Way of Charles County, Center for Abused Persons, the Drug and Alcohol Council, Charles County Fire and Rescue, LIFT, and several others.
Back To School Give Away. At the beginning of each school year, we collect and purchase back pack and other school supplies for students from elementary school through high school. Too many families struggle with the increasing costs of school supplies, especially with the schools needing very specific supplies and tools each year, that many times are just beyond reach of the average struggling family. Our people provide a lot of the supplies and local retailers also supply a major amount of them. Then, our volunteers pack each back pack with grade appropriate school supplies, which are then given out free of charge to returning students in the community.
Massive Coat Give Away. In December and January, we work in cooperation with local retailers and other donors. We distribute free winter coats, hoodies and sweaters to anyone who is in need. We get coats and jackets that are new or nearly new and make them available for men, women and children to get for themselves and for their family members. This generally means anywhere from 700 to more than a thousand coats are collected and given out by our volunteers and members.
Internationally. We support local ministries in African countries, the Philippines, India, England, the Dominican Republic and other countries where widows and orphans are being clothed, housed and fed, and also where street kids are taken in and helped with their health and drug problems. We support Co-Laborers International - https://colaborersinternational.com with their training and curriculum for street kids on drugs and alcohol.
The needs are so great, there is no limit to how much help, prayer and support is needed. It honors the Lord of the Harvest when we sow into the lives of the laborers and workers who are working in His kingdom around the world.
Outreach and In-Reach: In order for a church or ministry to be effective, there needs to be both outreach and in-reach. Outreach is the reaching out to individuals, those in need in the community and around the world. We hope you'll get involved in that. Another part of outreach is giving those individuals alternatives and opportunities to grow spiritually and socially, as well as to use their skills and talents as they expand their network of new friends and contacts.
In-reach has to do with building up the local body of Believers and helping you to get stronger in the things of God, to learn the principles of His word; to make and build strong healthy Christian friendships and develop your gifts and ability to serve, and help others.