You'll find your first visit to The Worship Center warm and welcoming. When you arrive, you'll be greeted by friendly volunteers or staff. They'll provide you with all the information you need to get started.
You can expect an uplifting atmosphere as you engage in inspiring music and worship with songs you probably already know, plus some new ones.
After the time of worship comes a dynamic message Pastor Steve. He brings you the simple bible truths and principles that will help you establish and grow a healthy relationship with the Lord. You'll probably want to take notes, since he brings a wealth of practical insights, life treats and gold nuggets that you can put into practice in your day to day life.
We have a variety of opportunities activities to help you get engaged and involves. On Wednesday is our verse by verse Bible study which will really help you appreciate the wisdom of God's Word and the practicality of the principles of the Kingdom of God. Whether you're a long-time churchgoer or a first-time visitor, you'll be made to feel right at home.
Life offers so many demands and responsibilities, so we offer TWO Sunday Services and a Wednesday evening Bible Study. Being in the DC - MD - VA area, we have people from all over the country, whose jobs and callings have brought them here. Some are government workers and many are serving in the military. No matter where you're from, we're excited to get to know you and your family and help you get settled in and encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
The 10am Express Service. This one is held in the Golliday Cafe, right off the foyer. It's our concentrated, no frills service. Just two songs and the message. It's the same basic message as will be given at the 11am Full Service, but in shorter form.
The 11am Full Service. When you come through the front door, you'll be greeted at the Welcome Desk and sign in, and have a chance to get to meet people and make some connections. Then you can make your way to the Sanctuary, for singing, worship and teachings from the Word of God.
Kids Town. If you have children 12 yrs or younger, while you're in the 11 a.m. service, your kids can go on to Kids Town, where they will be with other kids in their age group.
You'll sign your children in, and meet some of the workers and teachers. If you're the one who drops them off, you'll be the one who picks them up after the service. Your child's safety and wellbeing are of utmost importance to the Lord and to us.
They'll get to do Bible lessons, and depending on their age, will do crafts, Bible based games, videos, puppet shows and maybe have some snacks, if it's ok with you. So many parents tell us how their small children urge them to bring them to "my church" each week! They will make new friends and get a good appreciation for the Lord and all He has done and will keep doing for us.
If you have kids 12 and over, they'll worship with your family until the music segment is over, and then they'll head over to the Golliday Cafe, where they will have high quality, age appropriate, interactive Bible lessons and discussions. They all seem to love their Lauding Zone! It's a good place to meet and fellowship with other teenagers, and to talk about relevant issues and topics that they're dealing with.
The 11am Full Service features our Worship Band and Worship Team, with a mixture of contemporary and old school hymns and whatever else the Holy Spirit leads. BTW, we're careful about what we sing! We don't sing songs just because they're popular on Christian radio or iTunes. Our Worship Leader, Shep, makes sure the songs are solid in their doctrine and message, that they line up with the Word of God.
After the worship time, Pastor Steve will bring us a message from the Word of God. His teaching is always biblical, and chocked full of Bible truths, and he breaks it down so anyone can understand it and apply it in their day to day lives. Usually, the eleven o'clock service ends somewhere between 12:15 and 12:30.
Afterwards, our people tend to hang around and fellowship, get to know each other better and build friendships. That's really important, and even more so if you're new in the area and haven't met many people in the community yet.
On Wednesday night at 6:30 is The Bible Study. We spend some time in praise and worship and then Pastor Steve leads in a verse by verse breakdown of whichever book of the Bible we're exploring. Then we have an open forum discussion and questions, answers, observations and whatever else people want to share. Oh... we also have coffee, tea and yummy snacks!
Service Schedule
Sundays 10:00am - Express Sunday Service
Sundays 11:00am - Full Service with band, worship team, kids' and Teen programs
Wednesday 6:30pm - The Bible Study In Depth verse by verse study with Q&A
Comments from first-time visitors and new attendees
"We've been coming to the Worship Center for about 3 months while I am on TDA (Temporary Duty Assignment). We wanted to have some stability in our lives while we're here, and being Christians, we always try to find a good local church where we can worship and meet local people.
It's important to us that our three daughters can find a place to make Christian friends while we're here. The Worship Center was probably the fourth local church we tried. One of the guys at the base recommended it. For us, it was an immediate fit. We thank the Lord for guiding us here, and for the people we've met who have helped us feel at home, even if it's only for a few months."
“One thing I REALLY like here is... No Politics! I get it. Politics are really important to a lot of people. My parents. my cousins and brothers and sisters, have experienced a lot of division over politics, and some of our family aren't even hardly on speaking terms because of that.
When I come to church, I want to learn the word of God and what I need to be as a functioning member of the Kingdom of God. I want to learn how to be a good mom and how to raise my son better. I want to learn the eternal principles of God, so I can do better in my life.
It's really refreshing to hear the word of God and not a bunch of political viewpoints or criticisms of the government. I like that they actually pray for our leaders like the Bible says to do. That means a lot to me. Already I feel at home here! It’s like being with friends, neighbors and folks I went to school with.”
“OK. Finding a new church isn’t my favorite thing. But, being in the military means I have to find a new church every couple of years. I found The Worship Center online and it looked a little different and interesting. I watched some of their videos on YouTube, and felt like this would be a place where I could fit in and grow in my knowledge of the Bible and get more grounded.
The people are nice and there are a lot of other military families and former military here. Some have served in the same places I have and have been at the same bases I have, so it gives us something in common immediately. That’s important when you move around a lot. The band was good. I knew a lot of the songs already and I liked the message. It was good and I could apply it to my life right away.
I'm making friends here faster than I usually do. I'm not that outgoing, but the people are nice and they approach me and ask me how I'm settling in, and if there's anything they can do to help me get acclimated to feel free to reach out. That really makes me feel like I've found a true church home.”
I've never been religious. Yeah, I've always kind of believed in some kind of God or force or something, but I never got into actually going to church, except when I'd visit my grandmother a few times a year.
One of my friends where I work comes to The Worship Center and he's been inviting me, I wasn't interested at first, but he kept telling me that it isn't like the other churches I've probably been to.
Just to get him to quit asking, I agreed to come along and give it a try. I actually like it. The people are kind of chill, and not acting like they're better than me. The music's good and I like what the Pastor talks about. I can understand it and he makes it real. I don't come here every week, but when I do, everybody's friendly and welcoming, and seem like they actually like me. I wasn't expecting all that. It's good."
“We like that there is diversity at The Worship Center. We’re a mixed family and it may seem like a small thing, but it isn’t, when you feel like the only ones.
At The Worship Center there are other couples and families like us and that makes us feel at home. My job brought us here, and my husband was blessed to get a contracting job in the area. It was good to find other people who are new in the area like we are. That helped a lot in deciding to come back and explore.
The kid’s programs are really good and we love how Kids Town looks! It is so fun. Our son's eyes lit up when we walked in and he saw all the bright colors and the cartoon characters and how it is painted up like a little kid sized town.
After we got home, he kept talking about it and Ms. Ingrid who did the lesson. She made a really good impression on him and on us. That sealed it for us, because he didn't want to go anywhere else... and neither did we.”
“When we first came to The Worship Center a few months ago, we were a little nervous. We didn’t know what to expect. One thing that made a good impression was that there's a Welcome Desk. They greeted use and gave us a first time visitor’s pack. That made us feel like at least they were expecting visitors!
Some other churches we had been checking out seemed to not be geared up for first timers. But here, they understand how coming to a new church for the first time can make you feel a little nervous.
The person at the Welcome desk was friendly and helpful. She introduced us to a family that was coming in at the same time we were. That helped us to connect and at least know someone's name.
The other people we met while talking with that family were friendly and made us feel welcome. The music was pretty good and the sermon or teaching or whatever it is called kept my attention. It spoke to me and my situation. That is what got us to come back.
Oh yeah... my kids LOVE Kids Town! If we sleep in a bit on Sunday morning, the kids are knocking on our bedroom door, saying, "Get up! We need to go to our church - the kids' church. They've never been excited about church like this before."