We’re big on worship, fellowship, growing, learning and serving in the community. The Bible says that we are "ambassadors for Christ." That's 2 Corinthians 5:20. That means we are representing the Kingdom of God to the people around us and in our community and wherever we go. Knowing that we're representing the Kingdom of God helps us to be alert for opportunities to make a positive difference in peoples' lives and to allow the Spirit of God to use us whenever and wherever He wants.
Being in the Body of Christ isn’t a spectator sport or a spiritual hobby. We don’t gather just to sing songs, listen to people talk and throw a few dollars into the offering plate. For us, it’s about knowing the Lord, growing in Him. Being involved with His people, making friends, getting plugged in, becoming closer to God and becoming a better person than you ever thought possible. Many of our people come from various places, often with careers that constantly move them and their families around. Because of that, they never get the opportunity to establish real roots. We'd like to help you and your family get involved quickly and give you opportunities to use your giftings to make a true impact in peoples' lives.
Here are some areas you may want to get involved with...
Food Bank. Feeding the hungry was, and is, an important part of Jesus' ministry. He didn't just feed people who were poor. He fed any and all who were hungry. We feel the same way. If a person eats, they qualify to receive food from our food pantry ministry.
With the increase of food prices, there are more and more people struggling to feed themselves and their families. God has blessed us with relationships with several stores and corporations that generously provide food for our food bank ministry. We are thrilled to be able to provide meat, breads, desserts, veggies to the people of Western Charles County at our weekly food pantry.
Due to the generosity of various donors and businesses, we are not only able to provide food for individuals and families, but also we supply to other local food pantries, churches and soup kitchens.
The food bank is open every Tuesday beginning at 4 pm. Setup begins at 2 pm. This may be a perfect way for you to get involved in helping others to be able to eat healthily and plentifully.
The Worship Team. Make a joyful noise to the Lord! If you play an instrument reasonably well or sing, this may be an opportunity for you to be blessed and be a blessing to others!
Maybe you have sound engineer experience, and you LOVE helping singers and musicians sound their best, to optimize the worship experience of the congregation.
Using your gifts and talents is a great way to worship the Lord and encourage other people at the same time. The Worship Team is an important part of our Sunday worship services. God loves music and we love music!
We are always on the lookout for dedicated singers, musicians and sound people who want to use their talents to glorify the Lord and to edify His people.
You may not be a singer, but you play an instrument or two... or a few! Our Worship Band would love to meet you and let you audition. The Worship Team practices on Thursday nights and comes in at 10 am on Sunday morning for a further practice, prior to the 11 am service.
Men's Bible Study. After a long hard week, men need a chance to regroup and recharge. The Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study meets every Saturday at 9:30 am until 11 am. We take a book of the Bible at a time and each week we read a chapter, and then pick the verses that particularly stood out to us, and we share what it means to us, and how we can apply it to our lives. This is a really enjoyable and vital get together for the men and teenage boys who attend. You don't have to have any Bible knowledge to attend or enjoy this. We're all reading, learning and growing.
Women's Bible Study. Women need to get time with other women and to talk about things that affect them, their careers and personal lives. Our women meet at 10 am every Tuesday and also every other Saturday at 10 am. They meet together as sisters in the Lord, and do Bible and book studies, share with each other and pray for each other. It's a good time to get to know each other better and to grow in the Lord. It's also a good time to share prayer needs and get prayer for our own needs and to pray for others.
Married Couples Ministry. Marriages are under attack and stressed more than ever. Temptation is everywhere, and no marriage escapes tests and trials. We don't want our couples' marriages to become casualties! We do all we can to support our couples and families. Rev. Hooker and Linda Hooker oversee the Married Couples Ministry. This group meets periodically for dinners, events and whatever they prayerfully choose to do! It's a good time to get out just as a couple, away from the kids, away from the never ending chores and tasks at home, and enjoy each other's company and fellowship. All of our couples who attend and work with this ministry love it and look forward to the next get together!
Men of Favor. We want our men to be strong in the Lord, mature and high-functioning men of God. We're in a culture that exhibits poor impulse control and self-centered lifestyles. Too many men are struggling with the unrealistic expectations of our culture, and feel like they just cant measure up. Then, there's financial pressure, all kinds of temptations and personal challenges and struggles. Many men live with a sense of inadequacy and failure. Men of Favor is led by Rev. Hooker. We meet monthly for prayer, teaching that's pertinent to men, fellowship and, of course... food! These meetings are usually right after the 11 o'clock service on Sundays. It's a great time for men and teenage boys to gather together and grow in the things of God, while also feeding their voracious appetites for wings, pizza or whatever the food of the day happens to be!