Want to do something good on Saturday mornings?
Something that doesn't involve home maintenance, paying the bills, chores, work, or watching TV?
Well, we have a solution for you! Get together with other men to go over a chapter from the Bible, and talk about it - what it means to you, a verse or two that stands out to you. Maybe how it has helped you get through a time of struggle. How you can apply that verse in your everyday life, or to a situation you're going through.
You don't have to be a Bible scholar - in fact, you don't have to know anything! Just have a heart for God. Or, maybe you ARE a Bible scholar! That's cool, too. We have a few of them in our midst and eve they learn something now and than!
Come on out on Saturday morning to get a good time of fellowship and input from other guys who are going through some of the same situations you are - and maybe you'll find just the answer you need!
Men's Bible Study. Saturdays at 9:30 to around 11, in the Golliday Cafe.